never lived with anyone since.
wanted to move to nicer, bigger & more expensive flats but noone was really in need for a place to stay or wanted to pay higher rents whenever i found anything. realised it's better this way tho. i like my privacy and i don't have to deal with anyone's annoying habits
living with roommates i would bet is better for you in the long run. if they aren't cool or annoy you or whatever then get new roommates. i've had several different roommates in my life and some were better than others but there were none that even came close to people i was simply unable to live with at all. and i'm not exactly the most easy going person out there
assumign they're like, your age obviously.
although, i've for the most part had my own bedroom and bathroom. maybe it'd be different having to share that stuff. pay extra if you can for a place with your own bathroom if that's the main reason why you'd want to live alone. i can't really think of any other reason. fridge disputes? lol. as long as you have a door to lock when you want privacy it's basically the same thing.
Moved out for uni, went travelling, moved back home for a year whilst starting work, moved out to 2 shared houses then a 1 bed flat in zone 3 with my girlfriend, for a few years, moved back home (with my Girlfriend) to save money to go travelling.
I Think Matt's generalisation of "failed at life if your still living at home at 25" is a bit silly, different things work for different people, a friend of mine bought a house at 22 but lived at home till he was 31, worked a full time job and rented out the house and had the mortgage paid off by the time he moved into it. 2 other people I know are doing similar things. Just do what makes you happy imo
London is a right bitch to live in and pay rent tbh, can easily work a £40k a year job and not have much left after rent (and bills).
£1300 1 bed flat in zone 3
£150 Council Tax
£100 utilities
£20 insurance
£30 internet
£200 travel to work
If you drive
£600 insurance
£130 tax
£100 MOT
takehome 30.3k
outgoings 22.4k
leaves 658 quid a month to live off of.... in London... as a single person
Classic case of living above your means. Reduce your expenses (moving closer to where you work, living somewhere cheaper, not having a car etc) or else work harder to get a better paying job.
LOL @ people who live somewhere they can't afford and then blame the city