If the item of food in question is near to the person you're directing the question towards then you would ask:pk- wrote:excellent thread daniel-san! how do you say 'are you going to eat that?'
'sore o tabemasu ka?' - soh-leh oh ta-beh-mas-ka
however, if the food is neither closer to you nor the person the you would ask:
'are o tabemasu ka?' - a-leh oh ta-beh-mas-ka
which brings me on to a couple of nice phrases about food:
'hara peko!' - (hah-lah pe-koh) = 'i'm starving/famished/could eat a horse!'
'kuishinbo' - (koo-i-shin-boh) = 'glutton/devourer of foods/eating monster'
so to summarise, when wanting to say 'this' or 'that'......
kore (koh-leh) = this (when the object is near to yourself)
sore (soh-leh) = that (when the object is near to the person you're talking to)
are (a-leh) = that (when the object isn't near to either of you)
ps. Amykamala-chan, i apologise for my rubbish phonetic roomaji.