Tips on automating the alpacas in Logic

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Tips on automating the alpacas in Logic

Post by chewie » Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:10 am

Here's some tips for logic users to get automation done nice and quick.
For this example i'll use NI's massive and show you how to sort out lfo control quick and simple but this applies to all types of automation hopefully you'll learn something new :)
Right first off i've loaded up logic and started with an instance of Massive:


Next i'll come up with some bassline melody and record it using a preset i've made (the mod 5 lfo is set to cut off in this one at 1/8ths)


you can hear it here:

alpaca bass start.mp3 - 0.55MB

Now then press A to bring up the automation and select massive in the box and scroll down to select mod 5 den and set automation to read mode.


Now just use the pencil tool and roughly sketch in some automation i don't matter too much at this point what the hell you do as we're going to tidy that up in a mo:


Now whilst the automation lane is up press control, command and E to bring up the automation event list:


This shows all automation data for this track
Select one of the automation event entries you've just put in for mod 5 den, click the edit button in the box and choose the select similar events

This will select all the automation you've just put in for mod 5 den:


Now with all of this automation selected you can now quantize it using the automation event list. I've selected 1/8 quant for his but you can use whatever you like - to the bar or even 16ths. It should now look like this:


From here you can make any adjustments you don't like and tighten them up again following the previous steps using the automation event list to select all and quantize ;)

Now i've made a couple of adjustments and it now looks like this:


It now sounds like this:

alpaca bass adjusted automa.mp3 - 0.55MB

Right now pay close attention - whilst the automation event list is up press command 1 to bring up an arrange page for automation:


This page allows you to arrange all automation for your tracks

In this arrange window i've basically shortened the automation region to fit the midi data i've put in (8 bars) and then option dragged the region over to copy it across the the next 8 bars:


Now these boxes can be changed to make the automation half or double time by holding the option button whilst you change the size of the region. So what i've done is chopped the region to the right in half and deleted the half of that box to the right and option dragged it to create an 8 bar section with the automation stretched over 8 bars from 4 ( hopefully that makes sense)
Now another pay close attention moment - you will not see the automation data on the original arrange page until you have merged the automation regions - so do that now with the glue tool. Now it looks like this:


Right and now back to the real world go to the original arrange page and copy over the midi region you put in to create a 16 bar loop - remember to say don't copy automation entry when it asks you, you've just put some in already ;)
It should now look like this:


Add a beat and it should sound like this:

alpaca bass with beat.mp3 - 1.07MB

Pretty shit innit :lol:
Any questions hit me up

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Post by chewie » Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:19 am

Forgot to say - you can use the automation arrange window to quickly edit what you've put in by chopping up the regions and stretching them etc.
(Saves having to mess about in the automation lane)


After a bit of messing around with that it looks like this:


and sounds like this:
alpaca new auto _ beat.mp3 - 1.07MB

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Post by FSTZ1 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:21 am


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Post by nellon » Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:39 pm

the Alpacas will come get you for this.

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Post by xiy » Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:57 pm

nice tip on the automation quantization, didn't know you could do that. i've been faffing around with it like im in windows paint or some shit :|

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Post by FSTZ1 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:59 pm

try this preset as well


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Post by chewie » Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:35 am

FSTZ wrote:try this preset as well

Looks like a half-breed wookie alpaca!

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Post by chewie » Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:27 am

Here's another tip - say you wanted the same automation you've just put in but on a different synth or a different modulator.
Here's a tune with a new alpaca preset on the access virus (nice one FSTZ) but this time the lfo modulation is on the Part 1 LFO 2 clock parameter:


Well this is a nice preset but i want some low bass to layer with it to beef it up a bit but i want it to be doing the same lfo automation as the last one.

I've already got a multi output version of the virus loaded up so i'll just go to the track tab at the top and select new track with next midi channel. I'll then copy the midi data from the last track:


Select copy when it asks you if you want to copy the automation data. Now we have the midi track with the automation we want but it's not controlling the right automation parameter:


If you hold down the command button whilst clicking on the box that says (1) LFO clock 2 in the automation lane:


You can then scroll through and select the parameter you do want to automate ( in this case part 2's lfo clock 2), remember to command click again.
You will then be greeted by this box:


Select convert and it will change the automation to the new parameter:


It's sounds like this:
infected alpaca.mp3 - 1.12MB
Last edited by chewie on Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by buylessownmore » Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:28 pm

Thanks for this man! I'm just getting into dubstep and I'm using Logic 8 + Massive, and I learned a lot about automation and especially quantizing your automation! Awesome!

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Post by chewie » Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:24 pm

no probs and welcome to the forum :)

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Post by FSTZ1 » Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:03 pm

Chewie you are a genius

you made a thread that looks like a joke but has serious knowledge instead of a thread that looks like it has knowledge, but is a total joke



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Post by FSTZ1 » Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:23 pm

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Post by morro_e » Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:36 pm

pretty nice!

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Post by chewie » Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:55 am

FSTZ wrote:Alpaca Cam
Big ups this thread is now complete!

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Post by chewie » Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:04 am

Just installed the new logic :P
CPU performance is improved :o
All my plug-ins are working sweet, so is the UAD
Good times! Going to give this a hammering over the next couple of days :)

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Post by chewie » Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:55 am

Depone wrote:Funk yes!!!

The event list is an underrated and powerful tool!

Bonus tip, if you have your drums etc as audio files, you can quantise them with the event list with added SHWING!

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Post by blkmsk » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:34 pm

man i been sittin here for about 15 minutes goin nuts tryin to find "mod den" - is this only in a newer version of massive or something?

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Post by blkmsk » Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:03 pm

ok - this is one of the best threads i've seen on here. but i've got to address what is maybe a bug? I dunno.

I am completely unable to get the 'automation event list' window to open.

i've got the manual out, it says the same thing you say. control+command+E

but it simply doesn't open. it just gives the error noise.

furthermore - the manual says it can ONLY be opened by hitting this key combo - WTF!

anybody else having this problem?


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